Brennah was lovingly showered with gifts... We are slowly teaching her to be thankful... It sure doesn't come naturally... But she's getting there... And she surely is excited!
A LOVELY handmade pillow from our dear friend, Jess... Isn't it wonderful? She always showers my girls with beautiful handmade lovelies that I know they will treasure forever! Thanks Jess!
The night had finally arrived! Jay took Bren to pick out her own balloons... She did a pretty good job... And the food... Let's just say I made a BIT too much!
I was so excited to plan a Tea Party... I have a lovely collection of tea cups... Many gifts from my dear Grandma May... And others that I have gathered over the years from second hand shops... I had a wonderful, lovely time setting a Tea Party table!
The party, on Saturday night, was a HUGE success... And today, my baby turns TWO! It's hard to believe... I love her so much... She has brought SO much joy to our lives... Happy Birthday Brennah!
The handmade decorations from Brennah's Second Birthday Tea Party, January 2010... The garlands were made from gold paper doilies, patterned paper punched hearts, and tissue paper flowers on cream yarn...
Tomorrow is the party... I love have something exciting and creative to do in January... This can be a long month... But tomorrow promises to be a great day... Brennah has been saying all week: "Brennah's party coming"... I'm sure she'll adore every moment...
So... For some final inspiration... How much do I wish we could be outside?
The decorations are nearly ready, the presents are bought and now for the food... Last year for Brennah's birthday party, I made a big meal... This year I decided to keep it more simple... Or at least I thought it would be simple... A Tea Party Menu...