Every once in a while I come across a kindred spirit in the on-line world... I met Tania a few months ago when we were both participating in an on-line exhibit... We fast became friends and she approached me about taking part in one of my giveaways... Tania's shop, "
Indo Bay" is lovely in every way (Just like she is)! Her work is simple and modern... And in a word, beautiful! Tania has SO generously offered
$40 in shop credit for one fortunate winner! I know you will enjoy Tania and her
shop, from sunny Florida, as much as I do!
Tania has graciously taken the time to answer some questions:
What does a perfectly ordinary day in your life look like?"Always breakfast together with my family where we throw in a card game of "uno". Once my honey is off to the office & my little honey is off to school (or camp now)...watch out! I'm pushed full throttle ahead trying to somehow manage e-mails, orders, blog, product shots, photo editing, walking dogs, product designs, household chores, sewing, hand printing, promoting...I could go on and on. Hectic at times but I wouldn't change a thing! :)"
What time of year most inspires you?"I can't say that one time of year inspires me more than another. I think what I love most is the anticipation & moods that different times of the year create. Spring & Summertime always inspire me with their hope of new beginnings, lovely vibrant colors, summertime get-aways, & stunning gardens. Living in Florida, the Fall & Winter is always welcomed with open arms bringing cooler temperatures, the anticipation of a new school year, warm colors, the magic of Halloween and the winter holidays! It's all just so lovely!"
If you could hop on a plane, without giving one thought to your budget, where would you go?"This one was easy for me...the Greek island of Santorini! The architecture, the sun, the mountains, the people. It just oozes of beauty & screams, "take me there"!"
What do you think of as comfort food?"Not very original but CHOCOLATE...yummy!"
What are five things you would like to do in the next five years?"1. continue growing my biz authentically
2. go on a great family trip outside of the U.S.
3. watch my 8 year old son grow into his pre-teen years, hopefully graciously...yikes!
4. learn something new that I had been too afraid to try
5. continue to be grateful for all the blessings in my life & laugh A LOT! :D"
This giveaway runs from June 19th - July 24th at Noon (EST)
1. Visit 'Indo Bay Textiles' and choose your favourite item(s) from the shop... Come back here and leave a comment along with your email address, mentioning your favourite item...
2. For an additional entry, link to this giveaway on your blog, come back here and post an additional comment with the link and your email address...
3. For an additional entry, tweet about this giveaway on Twitter, come back here and post an additional comment with the link and your email address...
4. For an additional entry, link to this giveaway on Facebook, come back here and post an additional comment with the link and your email address...
5. For even more entries, POST again (Blog, Twitter, Facebook) at any time later in the week, come back here and post an additional comment with the link and your email address...
* YOU MAY ENTER UP TO FIVE TIMES FOR FIVE CHANCES TO WIN (Entries beyond the fifth comment will not be published)!
The winner will be randomly chosen and posted HERE on the blog on Saturday... Please check the blog on Saturday to see if YOU are the winner! Enjoy... Please help spread the word and a dear thank you again to Tania of 'Indo Bay Textiles'!