Jess has been beside us through many ups and downs... Many dinners at our place and there's, a lovely day spent in Stratford, HOURS spent second-hand shopping (she's a master) and countless hours of sitting on the dock at the cottage... We probably don't tell her enough that we love her to pieces!
From the day Bren was born the two of them have had a special bond... I think they're kindred spirits! I can't wait to see how Brennah will grow to love Jess as she gets older!
We hope that you have a wonderful, blessed birthday... I acutally have the honour of getting to spend the day with her today and celebrating with her in style at her party tomorrow! How fortunate am I?
Happy Birthday Jessie! May this be a year full of growing in grace! We love you!
Thanks for such a wonderful birthday afternoon - Love spending time with The Sparrow and The Peach. I hope you get everything done and have a restful visit tonight. I love you.