After the manic rush of the late November and early December, I took a much needed break last week to enjoy Christmas... Not only to revel in Brennah's first Christmas (pictures of that coming later) but also to ponder once again the amazing truth that Christ was born a baby, to live and most importantly, to die... I spent most of my time meditating on how that baby became a man, a sacrifice for my sins, and the sins of all those who will repent and believe...
In His grace, God gave us safe traveling, a wonderful time with family and friends, and immense joy as we enjoyed what we had waited for for so long... He is GOOD!
I also took some much needed time off... It was likely the first time in months that I didn't make or ship jewellery... And it was a time I greatly enjoyed... Until today... I am back in the thick of it, filling wholesale orders for the New Year, but I thought I'd share some photos of the new pieces I managed to create in my time 'off'... Enjoy... And stay tuned for pictures of our wonderful Christmas!