What does a perfectly ordinary day in your life look like?
"An ordinary day in my life goes like this... Wake up with my daughter... play and take care of her...do something fun with her go to the beach or meet up with friends... let her sleep while I work on my fledgling business! ... then spend the evening with my husband. pretty average but Pretty Swell! (ha! get it?)"
What time of year most inspires you?
"ohhh I love the summertime! it has always been my favorite because it means going on vacation with family and lots of playing."
What do you think of as comfort food?
"comfort food is always a dessert for me... ice cream, cupcakes, chocolate souffle! yum"
If you could hop on a plane, without giving one thought to your budget, where would you go?
"South Africa... but Italy is always tempting."
What are five things you would like to do in the next five years?
"1. have more children
2. paint more(I graduated in fine arts and i just don't paint enough anymore)
3. work hard to build Pretty Swell
4. travel somewhere new
5. learn to cook consistently and effortlessly"

This giveaway runs from May 31st - June 5th at Noon (EST)
1. Visit 'Pretty Swell' and choose your favourite item from the shop... Come back here and leave a comment along with your email address, mentioning your favourite item...
2. For a second entry, link to this giveaway on your blog, Facebook page or Twitter page, come back here and post a SECOND comment with the link and your email address...
The winner will be randomly chosen and posted HERE on the blog on Saturday... Please check the blog on Saturday to see if YOU are the winner! Enjoy... Please help spread the word and thanks again to Katie of 'Pretty Swell'!