I've had a couple of generous offers for Etsy product giveaways! So... Announcing... The first "Ardent Sparrow" Blog giveaway!
I will follow-up with more details throughout the week!
You must be wondering... "How do I enter?" ... Well... All you have to do is visit each of the shops featured on my blog over the next TWO weeks, including yesterday's post! Once you'd visited the shop for that day, comment on the post, naming your favourite product from the featured seller's site! Next Friday, September 5th, I will randomly choose one fortunate blog visitor to receive all the lovely things in the giveaway! The more times you comment, the better your chances will be of winning!
Stay tuned for more info and pictures of what you're playing for! And happy Etsy surfing!
P.S. In the giveaway so far... An organic baby blanket, a pair of barrettes, a set of three handmade cards and a custom handprint/footprint necklace! Stay tuned for more additions!