
Project Idea {Advent Calendar} Part II

Brennah is pretty excited about our new tree! She's not too sure how it will work... And today is the day... The day that she finally gets to peek inside box #1 to see what's inside!
I filled the boxes with little items I gathered at 'Michaels' and the dollar store! Tiny trinkets including socks, stamps, stickers, chocolate, 'Kinder Eggs', glitter glue, hair barrettes, small wind-up toys and 'Lip Smackers' (which will be Brennah's first... She's going to be very excited)!
As exciting as Christmas is around here, I am constantly seeking to remind the girls the real reason we celebrate... The purpose of advent is to think of the Christ of Christmas... I want that, admist the gifts, to be the focus of our holiday season... So each day, before opening the box, we are going to read the Christmas story... Brennah already knows it quite well... But I'm hoping that it will cause her to stop and remember that it is because of Christ, His life, His death and His resurrection, that we celebrate!
 And don't forget to take the time to enter this week's giveaway for a calendar all your own from 'Honeytree'!


  1. I love this post! I loaded my son's calendar last night but I keep reminding him what it is the we celebrate.
    Love the picture of the Bible!

  2. adorable!

  3. So jealous you've got Kinder Eggs. I wish they'd sell them in the US. I may need to strong arm my father into sending me some from Germany.

  4. Love to see the true mention of Christmas, the nativity goes up first here for a while before any other decorations to remind us of the real reason we celebrate this time of year.
    Happy December, may your advent be filled with joy.

  5. Super great Becky! Love the idea and it looks so festive. We have a little Advent box too that I need to fill when I get home. I read this great blog about wrapping a big present and putting a story of Jesus birth inside and opening it first on Christmas morning. Lovely idea.

  6. Thanks for such a cute idea! Already bought my supplies, now Im ready to assemble while the kiddies are napping!
