
Weekend Project {Chipmunk Softie}

I can't sew to save my life... But if I could, I would make this Chipmunk Softie from a recycled glove... Is it not just the cutest thing you've ever seen? Inspired? There's a whole book 'Happy Gloves'... Perhaps I need to learn to sew... My girls would more than adore these sweeties!
And don't forget to enter this week's giveaway to win a 2011 calendar from 'Amelia Kay Photography'


  1. Seriously becky, that is the cutest thing I've seen! :)

  2. oh my I love this! I am fanatical about chipmunks!!!!

  3. Love the chipmunk! He's just brilliant.
    Also love the blog! I just came across it and I'll be coming back...

  4. My first inclination was to make one with a squeaker for the dog... then I had to rethink that. It's too stinking cute!!!! :)
